29 June 2007

Pisa and the Stupid bus

So yes, we went to Pisa and saw what there is to see...a leaning tower...but getting there pretty much was terrible!!! We had, once again, our fool proof plan of showing up at the train station, metting some friends and having a blasty in Pisa...NO! The universe would not have it!!

Our host mom told us that we needed to take either bus 5 or 3 and take it to the train station. We showed up to the bus stop with about 45 minutes to spare to get the train station and make the train to Pisa. No problem because the station is about 5 minutes from the bus stop and the bus comes by every 10 minutes or so...NOT SO!! Bus 5 comes by and I asked the driver in my broken Italian if this IS the bus the train station...he says NO! We were supposed to wait for the next one...and the next one didn't come by even 30 minutes later!! AH! By now we have missed the train and we were wondering if our friends would be waiting for us or just took off to Pisa! Finally a bus came by and it was one of those huge blue fancy tour buses....he stopped and I asked him if he was going to the train station and I must have looked really bummed because he said happily and a bit sympathetic-like....yes, come on! So we had the first class trip to the train station!! We had our fingers crossed hoping that maybe for some reason the trains were still there...a strike or something. It seems in Italy everything goes on strike all the time...but they left right on time and our friends went with em!!! O well...se we ended up having to buy a bus ticket to Florence and then had to catch a train to Pisa...UGH! Bus rides are no fun..I get a little sick on buses too...but we were just so happy that we made it somehow to Pisa!

Pisa is yucky. Maybe we showed up on a bad day, but it was full of trash and smelled gross! We had to walk about 20 minutes to the tower in the stench but it was worth it...the tower was so cool!! It was pretty weird to see it...after being taught in history class at school and seeing simple pictures..it looks exactly the same as the picture as Shelley would say!! It was neat seeing it and it leans so much! We wanted to walk to the top but walking on a leaning tower seems a bit scary to me, plus it was kind of expensive and I could see the top just fine! We stuck around Pisa for about an hour before we became bored and decided to head home. We walked back to the train station down a street that made me feel like I was in the mix of a flee market and a carnival!! IT was so crazy...you could literally buy anything you wanted from goldfish and bunnies to clothes and food. We, of course, got some gelato on the way back to the train station and called it a day.

The ride home on the train was so much fun!! The people we went with included me, Vicki, Martin, Ann, Alana, and Rachael. The 6 of us make a pretty good team and can keep eachother laughing for hours!!! We learned a new little game called Captain of the Ship and we played it all the way back to Siena...and I will teach you if you want...it cannot be taught over text!!

So that was our trip to Pisa, it was fun and if I never make it back to Pisa again, I think I will survive! Cool Tower though!! :)

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